> This is for NinjaFirewall v2.x & v3.x << | =====================================================================+ | 1. Rename this file to "pro2-reset.php". | | 2. Upload it into your NinjaFirewall's folder. | | 3. Go to http://YOUR WEBSITE/FOLDER/pro2-reset.php | | 4. Delete it afterwards. | +=====================================================================+ */ if (! file_exists('./conf/options.php')) { die('Error #001 : I cannot find ['.dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/conf/options.php] file.
aborting.'); } $msg = ''; $mid = @$_POST['mid']; if ($mid == 1) { $admin = @$_POST['admin']; if (! preg_match('/^\w{6,20}$/D', $admin) ) { summary('Error #002 : ['. htmlspecialchars($admin) .'] is not a correct username.', 1); exit; } reset_pass($admin); } else { summary($msg, 0); } exit; /* ================================================================ */ function summary($msg, $type) { global $version; echo '
NinjaFirewall Password Reset v.'. $version .'

'; if ($msg) { if ($type == 1) { echo '

'; } else { echo '

'; } echo $msg .'

'; } echo '

This script allows you to reset your NinjaFirewall admin password.

The new password will be sent to the admin address email you gave during the install process.

Please enter your admin log-in name :

'; } /* ================================================================ */ function reset_pass($admin) { require(__DIR__ . '/conf/options.php'); $nfw_options = unserialize($nfw_options); if ( empty($nfw_options['admin_name']) ) { summary('Error #003: cannot find the admin name in the "/conf/options.php" file', 1); exit; } if ($admin !== $nfw_options['admin_name']){ summary('Error #004 : cannot find user ['. htmlspecialchars($admin) .'].', 1); exit; } $alphachars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $charlength = strlen($alphachars); $password = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $char = mt_rand(1, $charlength); $char = substr($alphachars, $char, 1); $password .= $char; } // PHP <5.5: create SHA-1 hash if (! function_exists( 'password_hash' ) || version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '<' ) ) { $encoded_password = sha1( $password ); // PHP >=5.5: use password_hash } else { $encoded_password = password_hash( $password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, [ 'cost' => 10 ] ); } if ( empty( $encoded_password ) ) { summary('Error #005 : error while generating the password hash', 1); exit; } $nfw_options['admin_pass'] = $encoded_password; if (! is_writable(__DIR__ . '/conf/options.php') ) { summary('Error #006 : "/conf/options.php" is not writable', 1); exit; } if (! $fh = fopen(__DIR__ . '/conf/options.php', 'w') ) { summary('Error #007 : cannot write to "/conf/options.php"', 1); exit; } fwrite($fh, '