NinjaFirewall (WP edition) troubleshooter

The loader does not exist: '. htmlentities( $match[1] ) .''; } else { echo ''; } } ?>
HTTP server : unknown'; } ?>
PHP version : Error, NinjaFirewall requires PHP 7.1 or greater'; } else { echo PHP_VERSION; } } else { echo 'unknown'; } ?>
PHP SAPI : unknown'; } ?>
auto_prepend_file :
Loader's path to firewall : Cannot find the path! '. htmlentities( $match[1] ) .'
.htninja :
wp-config.php : Error: cannot find your wp-config.php file'; echo '
'; exit; } ?> NinjaFirewall detection : NinjaFirewall is loaded but returned error code #'. NFW_STATUS .''; } } else { $res = 'NinjaFirewall is not loaded'; } echo $res; ?>     Loaded INI file : user_ini.filename : user_ini.cache_ttl : User PHP INI : 1) { echo 'Warning: you have more than one INI file'; } } else { echo "none found"; } ?>     DOCUMENT_ROOT : Error: cannot find your DOCUMENT_ROOT'; } ?> SCRIPT_FILENAME : Warning: there\'s a double slash (//) in the SCRIPT_FILENAME variable: '. htmlspecialchars( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) . '
This may prevent PHP from loading its INI files.'; ?> ABSPATH : Warning: cannot find the ABSPATH'; } ?> WordPress version : Warning: cannot find WordPress version'; } ?>     Multisite installation detected WP_CONTENT_DIR : Warning: cannot find WP_CONTENT_DIR'; } ?> Plugins directory : Error: cannot find WordPress plugins directory'; } ?> User Role : caps['administrator']) ) { echo 'Administrator'; } elseif (! empty($current_user->caps['editor']) ) { echo 'Editor'; } elseif (! empty($current_user->caps['author']) ) { echo 'Author'; } elseif (! empty($current_user->caps['contributor']) ) { echo 'Contributor'; } elseif (! empty($current_user->caps['subscriber']) ) { echo 'Subscriber'; } else { echo 'Unknown role (or user not logged in)'; } } else { echo 'Error: cannot find user role'; } ?> User Capabilities : Error: missing manage_options capability - '; $mo_err = 1; } if ( current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) { $cap.= "unfiltered_html: OK"; } else { $cap.= 'Error: missing unfiltered_html capability'; $mo_err = 1; } echo $cap; if (! empty( $mo_err ) ) { echo '
Make sure you are logged in to WordPress before running this script.'; } ?> Log dir permissions : Warning: cannot find NinjaFirewall log dir'; } else { if ( is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR ."/nfwlog" ) ) { echo WP_CONTENT_DIR ."/nfwlog dir is writable"; } else { echo 'Warning: '. WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/nfwlog dir is not writable'; } } ?> Cache dir permissions : Warning: cannot find NinjaFirewall cache dir'; } else { if ( is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR ."/nfwlog/cache" ) ) { echo WP_CONTENT_DIR ."/nfwlog/cache dir is writable"; } else { echo 'Warning: '. WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/nfwlog/cache dir is not writable'; } } ?> Configuration & Rules : * Options: not found

"; } else { // Verify them if ( empty( $nfw_options['engine_version'] ) ) { echo '

Warning: Options seem corrupted

'; } else { echo "

* Options: found

"; } } // Fetch rules if (! $nfw_rules = get_option('nfw_rules') ) { echo "

* Rules: not found

"; } else { // Verify them if ( empty( $nfw_rules[1] ) ) { echo '

Warning: Rules seem corrupted

'; } else { echo "

* Rules: found

"; } } ?>

NinjaFirewall (WP edition) troubleshooter v